Don’t spend thousands on yet another website build for your business – only to be left to manage and maintain it by yourself after it goes live.
Genie in an Website is a managed website service that will design, care for and constantly update your website for an easy-to-budget, low monthly fee.
Here are the three biggest advantages to choosing a managed website service instead of investing thousands in a website development project:
Simply put, a fully-managed website is the better decision for your business. Let’s take a look at these advantages in more detail…
Avoid the big upfront cost.
Most businesses pay a large project fee for their website.
The average cost in 2020 for a professional small business website project is $5-8k. You’ll have to pay at least 50% of that up front, and the rest at launch.
With Genie in a Website, we will build the same quality website for you at an easy-to-afford monthly rate instead.
The average small business will pay to build new website roughly every 3 years.
And that timeline is accelerating as technology and internet marketing change at a faster and faster pace. So you might as well divide that big website cost by a few years and consider it part of your ongoing marketing budget.
With Genie in a Website, we will constantly be upgrading your website’s technology and design, so you won’t ever have a reason to abandon your old website and reinvest in another website project.
Prevent your new website from becoming a depreciating asset.
1) Websites don't normally age well.
You know the feeling. Your website is looking dated compared to your competition’s newer websites. You are hearing from customers and leads that they had issues/bugs with new devices etc. And you live with it becoming less effective and more embarrassing over time, until you get to the point where the pain is bad enough that you can no longer avoid investing in a new website yet again.
And that’s a lot of time in between launch and redesign where your website isn’t performing well. What does that cost you?
But this doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, with a managed website service like Genie in a Website, you will see your website appreciate in value as we work each and every month to improve, fine-tune and care it. A managed website will be the last website your business will ever need.
2) Your website is often the first and most important impression of your business a prospective customer will have.
And they’ll be comparing you with your competitors based on your website, to decide who to do business with.
If your website looks old, is buggy or slow, or has outdated information, they will assume this is a reflection of how you run your business. An indicator of how much you care about good work and the details.
You prospective customers will think “If this is how badly they take care of their own website, what kind of service can I expect as a customer”.
So where do websites start losing their value soon after launch?
Here’s the hidden secret that your web designer may not tell you:
The initial design for your website is – at best – a collection of educated guesses about what might be right for your audience.
What will inspire your specific leads to convert? How they will want to use your website before buying?
And as soon as that website goes live, you will learn that some guesses were pretty good, and many were not. Every website’s audience is unique, and we are constantly surprised by what is an isn’t effective across each client website.
So what happens when you launch and discover changes that need to be made?
With a website that was paid upfront – it’s too late! Changes after launch will require new quotes and additional money.
With Genie in a Website, we fully-embrace that your website is our initial, educated guess of what will be most successful for your business goals. And when your website meets the real-world, we’ll be there to watch and learn. And then we’ll work to improve it each and every month.
No web designer can design the perfect website for your business on first pass. Or even pre-launch. So why would you sign off on a “final design approval” before that design is used by your real leads and customers?
But with a managed website that is constantly improving and adapting based on how your customers and leads actually are using it, we can help it actually evolve over time into the perfect website for your business.
In addition, we will be there to adapt your design over time to stay current with new design, marketing and technology trends. Your website won’t ever have an expiration date again.
Once your website launches, this is when the ongoing site care and maintenance begins.
Your new website needs a well-managed server environment. It likely needs regular updates to plugins and performance settings.
There will be security issues and new malware and hacking threats.
And who will handle website maintenance tasks like database and speed optimization?
Daily offsite backups should be made to ensure you don’t lose website data and can recover the website if necessary.
Will you be the one to monitor the website for downtime, broken links and server performance? Who will you call (and what will they charge) when there is an issue to address?
With Genie in a Website, this is all included in our monthly rate. We are truly a full-service, no-touch website.
Keeping the information on your website up-to-date is important. And posting new content regularly has a huge effect on how Google ranks you in search results.
Empower your staff to try new marketing initiatives (landing pages, new sections, etc) without needing tech knowledge, or a budget-approval to get changes made to the website.
And ensure that when new content is added to your website, it’s optimized properly. Are the images sized properly and optimized for download size? Are smaller versions of the images served when your visitor is on mobile devices.
Are the content and images optimized for SEO? Do they maintain the design standards that keep your website looking professional?
And before changes were made, was a backup made in case of any issues? Was the website checked afterwards to confirm no bugs were introduced during the content update?
Your team at Genie in a Website will take care of all of this. It’s as easy as making a wish when you need a change to your website.
Let us handle the technical work, and keep your website performing and ranking well.
Focus on running your business, not your website.
Is logging into your website admin or hosting cpanel and trying to manage the ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting and content updates yourself really a good use of your time? Or your employee’s time?
You are an expert in your business, and you should be investing all of your time in working on and improving that business.
And unless you are a web design agency, your employees weren’t hired to spend their time trying to update or maintain your website either.
Let us be your web department instead. With Genie in a Website, you’ll get a website with a built-in team of designers, developers and online marketers that will manage and improve it each and every month.
You know your business. We know websites. Together, we’ll grow your business online